About GSHA
The Genealogical Society Of Hispanic America (GSHA) is a non-profit corporation. As GSHA members, we share the commonality of interest in researching our Hispanic genealogy.
Mission Statement
Promote sharing and dissemination of genealogical research and information to create mutual support for genealogical study.
Promote and maintain communication with the Hispanic community, with other genealogy societies, and organizations that support genealogical and historical research.
Educate and encourage our members and the public to share information in support of genealogy research, study and documentation.
What We Do
GSHA Chapters boast extensive member libraries with collections of Hispanic genealogical records, maps, Hispanic family histories & documents; history books and genealogical extraction data. Each of our chapters, the Fray Angelico Chavez Chapter (FACC-GSHA)/Pueblo, the Southern California Chapter (GSHA-SC), and the Utah Chapter -Utah Group (Genealogical Society of Hispanic America Utah Chapter)assist and provide basic instruction for their new members along with in-depth research opportunities for experienced members.
GSHA maintains strong professional affiliations with other historical and genealogical research associations throughout the country and is a member of the Federal Genealogical Society (FGS).
GSHA publishes an extensive quarterly journal, Nuestras Raíces, and a quarterly newsletter, Noticias de Nuestras Raíces, available to members.
GSHA annually hosts a genealogical conference and business meeting, where we gather together as genealogists and historians to share the newest information,and, as friends and colleagues, to renew friendships and affiliations as “primos.”
Each year we review our bylaws and our members have the opportunity to submit changes or additions. They must do so in writing by February 28 of each year and submit to the president for review by the Rules committee. The members are sent a ballot to vote on any changes or additions at least twenty days prior to the annual meeting.
GSHA was founded in 1987 in Denver, Colorado and our archives are extensive. You may see the history of GSHA in our Archives page.