GSHA Chapters General Information
GHSA has three chapters that meet regularly, providing education, research, and network opportunities for those interested in Hispanic genealogy. They all maintain libraries that may be used by members.
Please refer to each chapter’s website (see below) for a full calendar of activities and description of chapter member benefits.
Membership in all chapters also includes membership in the national organization.
You may also join as a member at large with all GSHA benefits!
Fray Angélico Chávez Chapter/Colorado (FACC-GSHA)
The Fray Angélico Chávez Chapter (FACC-GSHA) was founded in 1989 and is located in Pueblo, Colorado.
Contact Information
President: Daniel Romero
Facebook Group:
Mailing Address: FACC-GSHA, P.O. Box 3027, Pueblo, CO 81005
Meeting Address: Southeastern Colorado Heritage Center & Museum,
201 West B Street, Pueblo, Colorado
Membership Meetings & Programs
The monthly membership meeting is followed by a history or genealogy presentation.
Day: 2nd Saturday of every month
Time: 10:00am
Location: Southeastern Colorado Heritage Center & Museum, 201 West B Street, Pueblo, Colorado
Members may arrive at 9:00 am to conduct family research and check out research materials from our Resource Library.

Southern California Chapter (GSHA-SC)
The Genealogical Society of Hispanic America-Southern California (GSHA-SC) was founded in 1992 and is based out of Los Angeles, California.
Contact Information
President: Patsy Vasquez
Facebook Page:
Twitter: @gshasocal
Mailing Address: GSHA-SC, PO Box 2472, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
Meeting Address: Southern California Genealogical Society Library, 417 Irving Drive, Burbank, CA 91504-2408
Membership Meetings & Programs
The quarterly business meeting is followed by a lecture or workshop and a no-host lunch.
Day: 1st Saturday of February, May, August, and December
Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm
Location: Southern California Genealogical Society Library, 417 Irving Drive, Burbank, CA 91504-2408
Utah Chapter (GSHA-UTAH)
The Utah Chapter (GSHA-UTAH) became effective January 1, 2018 and is located in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Contact Information
Facebook Group: Address will be available soon. Check back.
Email: Address will be available soon. Check back.
Membership Meetings & Programs
Day: 2nd Saturday of each month
Time: 11:30 a.m.
Location: Family History Library, 35 N West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84150